optuna.storages._rdb.storage 源代码

import copy
from datetime import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
import uuid
import weakref

import alembic.command
import alembic.config
import alembic.migration
import alembic.script
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine  # NOQA
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy.sql import functions

import optuna
from optuna import distributions
from optuna.storages._base import BaseStorage
from optuna.storages._base import DEFAULT_STUDY_NAME_PREFIX
from optuna.storages._rdb import models
from optuna.study import StudyDirection
from optuna.study import StudySummary
from optuna.trial import FrozenTrial
from optuna.trial import TrialState
from optuna import version

_logger = optuna.logging.get_logger(__name__)

[文档]class RDBStorage(BaseStorage): """Storage class for RDB backend. Note that library users can instantiate this class, but the attributes provided by this class are not supposed to be directly accessed by them. Example: Create an :class:`~optuna.storages.RDBStorage` instance with customized ``pool_size`` and ``timeout`` settings. .. testcode:: import optuna def objective(trial): x = trial.suggest_uniform('x', -100, 100) return x ** 2 storage = optuna.storages.RDBStorage( url='sqlite:///:memory:', engine_kwargs={ 'pool_size': 20, 'connect_args': { 'timeout': 10 } } ) study = optuna.create_study(storage=storage) study.optimize(objective, n_trials=10) Args: url: URL of the storage. engine_kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments that is passed to `sqlalchemy.engine.create_engine`_ function. skip_compatibility_check: Flag to skip schema compatibility check if set to True. .. _sqlalchemy.engine.create_engine: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/engines.html#sqlalchemy.create_engine .. note:: If you use MySQL, `pool_pre_ping`_ will be set to :obj:`True` by default to prevent connection timeout. You can turn it off with ``engine_kwargs['pool_pre_ping']=False``, but it is recommended to keep the setting if execution time of your objective function is longer than the `wait_timeout` of your MySQL configuration. .. _pool_pre_ping: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/core/engines.html#sqlalchemy.create_engine.params. pool_pre_ping """ def __init__(self, url, engine_kwargs=None, skip_compatibility_check=False): # type: (str, Optional[Dict[str, Any]], bool) -> None self.engine_kwargs = engine_kwargs or {} self.url = self._fill_storage_url_template(url) self.skip_compatibility_check = skip_compatibility_check self._set_default_engine_kwargs_for_mysql(url, self.engine_kwargs) try: self.engine = create_engine(self.url, **self.engine_kwargs) except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Failed to import DB access module for the specified storage URL. " "Please install appropriate one. (The actual import error is: " + str(e) + ".)" ) self.scoped_session = orm.scoped_session(orm.sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)) models.BaseModel.metadata.create_all(self.engine) self._version_manager = _VersionManager(self.url, self.engine, self.scoped_session) if not skip_compatibility_check: self._version_manager.check_table_schema_compatibility() weakref.finalize(self, self._finalize) def __getstate__(self): # type: () -> Dict[Any, Any] state = self.__dict__.copy() del state["scoped_session"] del state["engine"] del state["_version_manager"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): # type: (Dict[Any, Any]) -> None self.__dict__.update(state) try: self.engine = create_engine(self.url, **self.engine_kwargs) except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Failed to import DB access module for the specified storage URL. " "Please install appropriate one. (The actual import error is: " + str(e) + ".)" ) self.scoped_session = orm.scoped_session(orm.sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)) models.BaseModel.metadata.create_all(self.engine) self._version_manager = _VersionManager(self.url, self.engine, self.scoped_session) if not self.skip_compatibility_check: self._version_manager.check_table_schema_compatibility() def create_new_study(self, study_name=None): # type: (Optional[str]) -> int session = self.scoped_session() if study_name is None: study_name = self._create_unique_study_name(session) study = models.StudyModel(study_name=study_name, direction=StudyDirection.NOT_SET) session.add(study) if not self._commit_with_integrity_check(session): raise optuna.exceptions.DuplicatedStudyError( "Another study with name '{}' already exists. " "Please specify a different name, or reuse the existing one " "by setting `load_if_exists` (for Python API) or " "`--skip-if-exists` flag (for CLI).".format(study_name) ) _logger.info("A new study created with name: {}".format(study.study_name)) return study.study_id def delete_study(self, study_id): # type: (int) -> None session = self.scoped_session() study = models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) session.delete(study) self._commit_with_integrity_check(session) @staticmethod def _create_unique_study_name(session): # type: (orm.Session) -> str while True: study_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) study_name = DEFAULT_STUDY_NAME_PREFIX + study_uuid study = models.StudyModel.find_by_name(study_name, session) if study is None: break return study_name # TODO(sano): Prevent simultaneously setting different direction in distributed environments. def set_study_direction(self, study_id, direction): # type: (int, StudyDirection) -> None session = self.scoped_session() study = models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) if study.direction != StudyDirection.NOT_SET and study.direction != direction: raise ValueError( "Cannot overwrite study direction from {} to {}.".format( study.direction, direction ) ) study.direction = direction self._commit(session) def set_study_user_attr(self, study_id, key, value): # type: (int, str, Any) -> None session = self.scoped_session() study = models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) attribute = models.StudyUserAttributeModel.find_by_study_and_key(study, key, session) if attribute is None: attribute = models.StudyUserAttributeModel( study_id=study_id, key=key, value_json=json.dumps(value) ) session.add(attribute) else: attribute.value_json = json.dumps(value) self._commit_with_integrity_check(session) def set_study_system_attr(self, study_id, key, value): # type: (int, str, Any) -> None session = self.scoped_session() study = models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) attribute = models.StudySystemAttributeModel.find_by_study_and_key(study, key, session) if attribute is None: attribute = models.StudySystemAttributeModel( study_id=study_id, key=key, value_json=json.dumps(value) ) session.add(attribute) else: attribute.value_json = json.dumps(value) self._commit_with_integrity_check(session) def get_study_id_from_name(self, study_name): # type: (str) -> int session = self.scoped_session() study = models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_name(study_name, session) # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return study.study_id def get_study_id_from_trial_id(self, trial_id): # type: (int) -> int session = self.scoped_session() trial = models.TrialModel.find_or_raise_by_id(trial_id, session) # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return trial.study_id def get_study_name_from_id(self, study_id): # type: (int) -> str session = self.scoped_session() study = models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return study.study_name def get_study_direction(self, study_id): # type: (int) -> StudyDirection session = self.scoped_session() study = models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return study.direction def get_study_user_attrs(self, study_id): # type: (int) -> Dict[str, Any] session = self.scoped_session() # Ensure that that study exists. models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) attributes = models.StudyUserAttributeModel.where_study_id(study_id, session) user_attrs = {attr.key: json.loads(attr.value_json) for attr in attributes} # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return user_attrs def get_study_system_attrs(self, study_id): # type: (int) -> Dict[str, Any] session = self.scoped_session() # Ensure that that study exists. models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) attributes = models.StudySystemAttributeModel.where_study_id(study_id, session) system_attrs = {attr.key: json.loads(attr.value_json) for attr in attributes} # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return system_attrs def get_trial_user_attrs(self, trial_id): # type: (int) -> Dict[str, Any] session = self.scoped_session() # Ensure trial exists. models.TrialModel.find_or_raise_by_id(trial_id, session) attributes = models.TrialUserAttributeModel.where_trial_id(trial_id, session) user_attrs = {attr.key: json.loads(attr.value_json) for attr in attributes} # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return user_attrs def get_trial_system_attrs(self, trial_id): # type: (int) -> Dict[str, Any] session = self.scoped_session() # Ensure trial exists. models.TrialModel.find_or_raise_by_id(trial_id, session) attributes = models.TrialSystemAttributeModel.where_trial_id(trial_id, session) system_attrs = {attr.key: json.loads(attr.value_json) for attr in attributes} # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return system_attrs def get_all_study_summaries(self) -> List[StudySummary]: session = self.scoped_session() summarized_trial = ( session.query( models.TrialModel.study_id, functions.min(models.TrialModel.datetime_start).label("datetime_start"), functions.count(models.TrialModel.trial_id).label("n_trial"), ) .group_by(models.TrialModel.study_id) .with_labels() .subquery() ) study_summary_stmt = session.query( models.StudyModel.study_id, models.StudyModel.study_name, models.StudyModel.direction, summarized_trial.c.datetime_start, functions.coalesce(summarized_trial.c.n_trial, 0).label("n_trial"), ).select_from(orm.outerjoin(models.StudyModel, summarized_trial)) study_summary = study_summary_stmt.all() study_summaries = [] for study in study_summary: best_trial = None # type: Optional[models.TrialModel] try: if study.direction == StudyDirection.MAXIMIZE: best_trial = models.TrialModel.find_max_value_trial(study.study_id, session) else: best_trial = models.TrialModel.find_min_value_trial(study.study_id, session) except ValueError: best_trial_frozen = None # type: Optional[FrozenTrial] if best_trial: params = ( session.query( models.TrialParamModel.param_name, models.TrialParamModel.param_value, models.TrialParamModel.distribution_json, ) .filter(models.TrialParamModel.trial_id == best_trial.trial_id) .all() ) param_dict = {} param_distributions = {} for param in params: distribution = distributions.json_to_distribution(param.distribution_json) param_dict[param.param_name] = distribution.to_external_repr(param.param_value) param_distributions[param.param_name] = distribution user_attrs = session.query(models.TrialUserAttributeModel).filter( models.TrialUserAttributeModel.trial_id == best_trial.trial_id ) system_attrs = session.query(models.TrialSystemAttributeModel).filter( models.TrialSystemAttributeModel.trial_id == best_trial.trial_id ) intermediate = session.query(models.TrialValueModel).filter( models.TrialValueModel.trial_id == best_trial.trial_id ) best_trial_frozen = FrozenTrial( best_trial.number, TrialState.COMPLETE, best_trial.value, best_trial.datetime_start, best_trial.datetime_complete, param_dict, param_distributions, {i.key: json.loads(i.value_json) for i in user_attrs}, {i.key: json.loads(i.value_json) for i in system_attrs}, {value.step: value.value for value in intermediate}, best_trial.trial_id, ) user_attrs = session.query(models.StudyUserAttributeModel).filter( models.StudyUserAttributeModel.study_id == study.study_id ) system_attrs = session.query(models.StudySystemAttributeModel).filter( models.StudySystemAttributeModel.study_id == study.study_id ) study_summaries.append( StudySummary( study_name=study.study_name, direction=study.direction, best_trial=best_trial_frozen, user_attrs={i.key: json.loads(i.value_json) for i in user_attrs}, system_attrs={i.key: json.loads(i.value_json) for i in system_attrs}, n_trials=study.n_trial, datetime_start=study.datetime_start, study_id=study.study_id, ) ) # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return study_summaries def create_new_trial(self, study_id, template_trial=None): # type: (int, Optional[FrozenTrial]) -> int return self._create_new_trial(study_id, template_trial)._trial_id def _create_new_trial( self, study_id: int, template_trial: Optional[FrozenTrial] = None ) -> FrozenTrial: """Create a new trial and returns its trial_id and a :class:`~optuna.trial.FrozenTrial`. Args: study_id: Study id. template_trial: A :class:`~optuna.trial.FrozenTrial` with default values for trial attributes. Returns: A :class:`~optuna.trial.FrozenTrial` instance. """ session = self.scoped_session() # Ensure that that study exists. models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) if template_trial is None: trial = models.TrialModel(study_id=study_id, number=None, state=TrialState.RUNNING) else: # Because only `RUNNING` trials can be updated, # we temporarily set the state of the new trial to `RUNNING`. # After all fields of the trial have been updated, # the state is set to `template_trial.state`. temp_state = TrialState.RUNNING trial = models.TrialModel( study_id=study_id, number=None, state=temp_state, value=template_trial.value, datetime_start=template_trial.datetime_start, datetime_complete=template_trial.datetime_complete, ) session.add(trial) # Flush the session cache to reflect the above addition operation to # the current RDB transaction. # # Without flushing, the following operations (e.g, `_set_trial_param_without_commit`) # will fail because the target trial doesn't exist in the storage yet. session.flush() if template_trial is not None: for param_name, param_value in template_trial.params.items(): distribution = template_trial.distributions[param_name] param_value_in_internal_repr = distribution.to_internal_repr(param_value) self._set_trial_param_without_commit( session, trial.trial_id, param_name, param_value_in_internal_repr, distribution ) for key, value in template_trial.user_attrs.items(): self._set_trial_user_attr_without_commit(session, trial.trial_id, key, value) for key, value in template_trial.system_attrs.items(): self._set_trial_system_attr_without_commit(session, trial.trial_id, key, value) for step, intermediate_value in template_trial.intermediate_values.items(): self._set_trial_intermediate_value_without_commit( session, trial.trial_id, step, intermediate_value ) trial.state = template_trial.state trial.number = trial.count_past_trials(session) session.add(trial) self._commit(session) if template_trial: frozen = copy.deepcopy(template_trial) frozen.number = trial.number frozen.datetime_start = trial.datetime_start frozen._trial_id = trial.trial_id else: frozen = FrozenTrial( number=trial.number, state=trial.state, value=None, datetime_start=trial.datetime_start, datetime_complete=None, params={}, distributions={}, user_attrs={}, system_attrs={}, intermediate_values={}, trial_id=trial.trial_id, ) return frozen def _update_trial( self, trial_id: int, state: Optional[TrialState] = None, value: Optional[float] = None, intermediate_values: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, distributions_: Optional[Dict[str, distributions.BaseDistribution]] = None, user_attrs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, system_attrs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, datetime_complete: Optional[datetime] = None, ) -> bool: """Sync latest trial updates to a database. Args: trial_id: Trial id of the trial to update. state: New state. None when there are no changes. value: New value. None when there are no changes. intermediate_values: New intermediate values. None when there are no updates. params: New parameter dictionary. None when there are no updates. distributions_: New parameter distributions. None when there are no updates. user_attrs: New user_attr. None when there are no updates. system_attrs: New system_attr. None when there are no updates. datetime_complete: Completion time of the trial. Set if and only if this method change the state of trial into one of the finished states. Returns: True when success. """ session = self.scoped_session() trial_model = ( session.query(models.TrialModel) .filter(models.TrialModel.trial_id == trial_id) .with_for_update() .one_or_none() ) if trial_model is None: session.rollback() raise KeyError(models.NOT_FOUND_MSG) if trial_model.state.is_finished(): session.rollback() raise RuntimeError("Cannot change attributes of finished trial.") if ( state and trial_model.state != state and state == TrialState.RUNNING and trial_model.state != TrialState.WAITING ): session.rollback() return False if state: trial_model.state = state if datetime_complete: trial_model.datetime_complete = datetime_complete if value is not None: trial_model.value = value if user_attrs: trial_user_attrs = ( session.query(models.TrialUserAttributeModel) .filter(models.TrialUserAttributeModel.trial_id == trial_id) .with_for_update() .all() ) trial_user_attrs_dict = {attr.key: attr for attr in trial_user_attrs} for k, v in user_attrs.items(): if k in trial_user_attrs_dict: trial_user_attrs_dict[k].value_json = json.dumps(v) session.add(trial_user_attrs_dict[k]) trial_model.user_attributes.extend( models.TrialUserAttributeModel(key=k, value_json=json.dumps(v)) for k, v in user_attrs.items() if k not in trial_user_attrs_dict ) if system_attrs: trial_system_attrs = ( session.query(models.TrialSystemAttributeModel) .filter(models.TrialSystemAttributeModel.trial_id == trial_id) .with_for_update() .all() ) trial_system_attrs_dict = {attr.key: attr for attr in trial_system_attrs} for k, v in system_attrs.items(): if k in trial_system_attrs_dict: trial_system_attrs_dict[k].value_json = json.dumps(v) session.add(trial_system_attrs_dict[k]) trial_model.system_attributes.extend( models.TrialSystemAttributeModel(key=k, value_json=json.dumps(v)) for k, v in system_attrs.items() if k not in trial_system_attrs_dict ) if intermediate_values: value_models = ( session.query(models.TrialValueModel) .filter(models.TrialValueModel.trial_id == trial_id) .with_for_update() .all() ) value_dict = {value_model.step: value_model for value_model in value_models} for s, v in value_dict.items(): if s in value_dict: value_dict[s] = v session.add(value_dict[s]) trial_model.values.extend( models.TrialValueModel(step=s, value=v) for s, v in intermediate_values.items() if s not in value_dict ) if params and distributions_: trial_param = ( session.query(models.TrialParamModel) .filter(models.TrialParamModel.trial_id == trial_id) .all() ) param_keys = set(param.param_name for param in trial_param) trial_model.params.extend( models.TrialParamModel( param_name=param_name, param_value=param_value, distribution_json=distributions.distribution_to_json( distributions_[param_name] ), ) for param_name, param_value in params.items() if param_name not in param_keys ) session.add(trial_model) self._commit(session) return True def set_trial_state(self, trial_id, state): # type: (int, TrialState) -> bool session = self.scoped_session() trial = models.TrialModel.find_by_id(trial_id, session, for_update=True) if trial is None: session.rollback() raise KeyError(models.NOT_FOUND_MSG) self.check_trial_is_updatable(trial_id, trial.state) if state == TrialState.RUNNING and trial.state != TrialState.WAITING: session.rollback() return False trial.state = state if state.is_finished(): trial.datetime_complete = datetime.now() return self._commit_with_integrity_check(session) def set_trial_param(self, trial_id, param_name, param_value_internal, distribution): # type: (int, str, float, distributions.BaseDistribution) -> None session = self.scoped_session() self._set_trial_param_without_commit( session, trial_id, param_name, param_value_internal, distribution ) self._commit_with_integrity_check(session) def _set_trial_param_without_commit( self, session, trial_id, param_name, param_value_internal, distribution ): # type: (orm.Session, int, str, float, distributions.BaseDistribution) -> None trial = models.TrialModel.find_or_raise_by_id(trial_id, session) self.check_trial_is_updatable(trial_id, trial.state) trial_param = models.TrialParamModel.find_by_trial_and_param_name( trial, param_name, session ) if trial_param is not None: # Raise error in case distribution is incompatible. distributions.check_distribution_compatibility( distributions.json_to_distribution(trial_param.distribution_json), distribution ) trial_param.param_value = param_value_internal trial_param.distribution_json = distributions.distribution_to_json(distribution) else: trial_param = models.TrialParamModel( trial_id=trial_id, param_name=param_name, param_value=param_value_internal, distribution_json=distributions.distribution_to_json(distribution), ) trial_param.check_and_add(session) def _check_or_set_param_distribution( self, trial_id: int, param_name: str, param_value_internal: float, distribution: distributions.BaseDistribution, ) -> None: session = self.scoped_session() # Acquire a lock of this trial. trial = models.TrialModel.find_by_id(trial_id, session, for_update=True) if trial is None: raise KeyError(models.NOT_FOUND_MSG) previous_record = ( session.query(models.TrialParamModel) .join(models.TrialModel) .filter(models.TrialModel.study_id == trial.study_id) .filter(models.TrialParamModel.param_name == param_name) .first() ) if previous_record is not None: distributions.check_distribution_compatibility( distributions.json_to_distribution(previous_record.distribution_json), distribution, ) else: session.add( models.TrialParamModel( trial_id=trial_id, param_name=param_name, param_value=param_value_internal, distribution_json=distributions.distribution_to_json(distribution), ) ) # Release lock. session.commit() def get_trial_param(self, trial_id, param_name): # type: (int, str) -> float session = self.scoped_session() trial = models.TrialModel.find_or_raise_by_id(trial_id, session) trial_param = models.TrialParamModel.find_or_raise_by_trial_and_param_name( trial, param_name, session ) # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return trial_param.param_value def set_trial_value(self, trial_id, value): # type: (int, float) -> None session = self.scoped_session() trial = models.TrialModel.find_or_raise_by_id(trial_id, session) self.check_trial_is_updatable(trial_id, trial.state) trial.value = value self._commit(session) def set_trial_intermediate_value(self, trial_id, step, intermediate_value): # type: (int, int, float) -> None session = self.scoped_session() self._set_trial_intermediate_value_without_commit( session, trial_id, step, intermediate_value ) self._commit_with_integrity_check(session) def _set_trial_intermediate_value_without_commit( self, session, trial_id, step, intermediate_value ): # type: (orm.Session, int, int, float) -> None trial = models.TrialModel.find_or_raise_by_id(trial_id, session) self.check_trial_is_updatable(trial_id, trial.state) trial_value = models.TrialValueModel.find_by_trial_and_step(trial, step, session) if trial_value is None: trial_value = models.TrialValueModel( trial_id=trial_id, step=step, value=intermediate_value ) session.add(trial_value) else: trial_value.value = intermediate_value def set_trial_user_attr(self, trial_id, key, value): # type: (int, str, Any) -> None session = self.scoped_session() self._set_trial_user_attr_without_commit(session, trial_id, key, value) self._commit_with_integrity_check(session) def _set_trial_user_attr_without_commit(self, session, trial_id, key, value): # type: (orm.Session, int, str, Any) -> None trial = models.TrialModel.find_or_raise_by_id(trial_id, session) self.check_trial_is_updatable(trial_id, trial.state) attribute = models.TrialUserAttributeModel.find_by_trial_and_key(trial, key, session) if attribute is None: attribute = models.TrialUserAttributeModel( trial_id=trial_id, key=key, value_json=json.dumps(value) ) session.add(attribute) else: attribute.value_json = json.dumps(value) def set_trial_system_attr(self, trial_id, key, value): # type: (int, str, Any) -> None session = self.scoped_session() self._set_trial_system_attr_without_commit(session, trial_id, key, value) self._commit_with_integrity_check(session) def _set_trial_system_attr_without_commit(self, session, trial_id, key, value): # type: (orm.Session, int, str, Any) -> None trial = models.TrialModel.find_or_raise_by_id(trial_id, session) self.check_trial_is_updatable(trial_id, trial.state) attribute = models.TrialSystemAttributeModel.find_by_trial_and_key(trial, key, session) if attribute is None: attribute = models.TrialSystemAttributeModel( trial_id=trial_id, key=key, value_json=json.dumps(value) ) session.add(attribute) else: attribute.value_json = json.dumps(value) def get_trial_number_from_id(self, trial_id): # type: (int) -> int trial_number = self.get_trial(trial_id).number return trial_number def get_trial(self, trial_id): # type: (int) -> FrozenTrial session = self.scoped_session() trial_model = ( session.query(models.TrialModel) .filter(models.TrialModel.trial_id == trial_id) .one_or_none() ) if not trial_model: raise KeyError("No trial with trial-id {} found.".format(trial_id)) frozen_trial = self._build_frozen_trial_from_trial_model(trial_model) self._commit(session) return frozen_trial def get_all_trials(self, study_id, deepcopy=True): # type: (int, bool) -> List[FrozenTrial] trials = self._get_trials(study_id, set()) return copy.deepcopy(trials) if deepcopy else trials def _get_trials(self, study_id: int, excluded_trial_ids: Set[int]) -> List[FrozenTrial]: session = self.scoped_session() # Ensure that the study exists. models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) trial_models = ( session.query(models.TrialModel) .filter( ~models.TrialModel.trial_id.in_(excluded_trial_ids), models.TrialModel.study_id == study_id, ) .all() ) trials = [self._build_frozen_trial_from_trial_model(trial) for trial in trial_models] self._commit(session) return trials @staticmethod def _build_frozen_trial_from_trial_model(trial: models.TrialModel) -> FrozenTrial: return FrozenTrial( number=trial.number, state=trial.state, value=trial.value, datetime_start=trial.datetime_start, datetime_complete=trial.datetime_complete, params={ p.param_name: distributions.json_to_distribution( p.distribution_json ).to_external_repr(p.param_value) for p in trial.params }, distributions={ p.param_name: distributions.json_to_distribution(p.distribution_json) for p in trial.params }, user_attrs={attr.key: json.loads(attr.value_json) for attr in trial.user_attributes}, system_attrs={ attr.key: json.loads(attr.value_json) for attr in trial.system_attributes }, intermediate_values={value.step: value.value for value in trial.values}, trial_id=trial.trial_id, ) def get_best_trial(self, study_id): # type: (int) -> FrozenTrial session = self.scoped_session() if self.get_study_direction(study_id) == StudyDirection.MAXIMIZE: trial = models.TrialModel.find_max_value_trial(study_id, session) else: trial = models.TrialModel.find_min_value_trial(study_id, session) # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return self.get_trial(trial.trial_id) def get_n_trials(self, study_id, state=None): # type: (int, Optional[TrialState]) -> int session = self.scoped_session() study = models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) n_trials = models.TrialModel.count(session, study, state) # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. self._commit(session) return n_trials def read_trials_from_remote_storage(self, study_id: int) -> None: # Make sure that the given study exists. session = self.scoped_session() models.StudyModel.find_or_raise_by_id(study_id, session) self._commit(session) @staticmethod def _set_default_engine_kwargs_for_mysql(url, engine_kwargs): # type: (str, Dict[str, Any]) -> None # Skip if RDB is not MySQL. if not url.startswith("mysql"): return # Do not overwrite value. if "pool_pre_ping" in engine_kwargs: return # If True, the connection pool checks liveness of connections at every checkout. # Without this option, trials that take longer than `wait_timeout` may cause connection # errors. For further details, please refer to the following document: # https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/core/pooling.html#pool-disconnects-pessimistic engine_kwargs["pool_pre_ping"] = True _logger.debug("pool_pre_ping=True was set to engine_kwargs to prevent connection timeout.") @staticmethod def _fill_storage_url_template(template): # type: (str) -> str return template.format(SCHEMA_VERSION=models.SCHEMA_VERSION) @staticmethod def _commit_with_integrity_check(session): # type: (orm.Session) -> bool try: session.commit() except IntegrityError as e: _logger.debug( "Ignoring {}. This happens due to a timing issue among threads/processes/nodes. " "Another one might have committed a record with the same key(s).".format(repr(e)) ) session.rollback() return False return True @staticmethod def _commit(session): # type: (orm.Session) -> None try: session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: session.rollback() message = ( "An exception is raised during the commit. " "This typically happens due to invalid data in the commit, " "e.g. exceeding max length. " "(The actual exception is as follows: {})".format(repr(e)) ) raise optuna.exceptions.StorageInternalError(message).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) def remove_session(self): # type: () -> None """Removes the current session. A session is stored in SQLAlchemy's ThreadLocalRegistry for each thread. This method closes and removes the session which is associated to the current thread. Particularly, under multi-thread use cases, it is important to call this method *from each thread*. Otherwise, all sessions and their associated DB connections are destructed by a thread that occasionally invoked the garbage collector. By default, it is not allowed to touch a SQLite connection from threads other than the thread that created the connection. Therefore, we need to explicitly close the connection from each thread. """ self.scoped_session.remove() def _finalize(self): # type: () -> None # This destructor calls remove_session to explicitly close the DB connection. We need this # because DB connections created in SQLAlchemy are not automatically closed by reference # counters, so it is not guaranteed that they are released by correct threads (for more # information, please see the docstring of remove_session). if hasattr(self, "scoped_session"): self.remove_session() def upgrade(self): # type: () -> None """Upgrade the storage schema.""" self._version_manager.upgrade() def get_current_version(self): # type: () -> str """Return the schema version currently used by this storage.""" return self._version_manager.get_current_version() def get_head_version(self): # type: () -> str """Return the latest schema version.""" return self._version_manager.get_head_version() def get_all_versions(self): # type: () -> List[str] """Return the schema version list.""" return self._version_manager.get_all_versions()
class _VersionManager(object): def __init__(self, url, engine, scoped_session): # type: (str, Engine, orm.scoped_session) -> None self.url = url self.engine = engine self.scoped_session = scoped_session self._init_version_info_model() self._init_alembic() def _init_version_info_model(self): # type: () -> None session = self.scoped_session() version_info = models.VersionInfoModel.find(session) if version_info is not None: # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. RDBStorage._commit(session) return version_info = models.VersionInfoModel( schema_version=models.SCHEMA_VERSION, library_version=version.__version__ ) session.add(version_info) RDBStorage._commit_with_integrity_check(session) def _init_alembic(self): # type: () -> None logging.getLogger("alembic").setLevel(logging.WARN) context = alembic.migration.MigrationContext.configure(self.engine.connect()) is_initialized = context.get_current_revision() is not None if is_initialized: # The `alembic_version` table already exists and is not empty. return if self._is_alembic_supported(): revision = self.get_head_version() else: # The storage has been created before alembic is introduced. revision = self._get_base_version() self._set_alembic_revision(revision) def _set_alembic_revision(self, revision): # type: (str) -> None context = alembic.migration.MigrationContext.configure(self.engine.connect()) script = self._create_alembic_script() context.stamp(script, revision) def check_table_schema_compatibility(self): # type: () -> None session = self.scoped_session() # NOTE: After invocation of `_init_version_info_model` method, # it is ensured that a `VersionInfoModel` entry exists. version_info = models.VersionInfoModel.find(session) # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. RDBStorage._commit(session) assert version_info is not None current_version = self.get_current_version() head_version = self.get_head_version() if current_version == head_version: return message = ( "The runtime optuna version {} is no longer compatible with the table schema " "(set up by optuna {}). ".format(version.__version__, version_info.library_version) ) known_versions = self.get_all_versions() if current_version in known_versions: message += ( "Please execute `$ optuna storage upgrade --storage $STORAGE_URL` " "for upgrading the storage." ) else: message += ( "Please try updating optuna to the latest version by `$ pip install -U optuna`." ) raise RuntimeError(message) def get_current_version(self): # type: () -> str context = alembic.migration.MigrationContext.configure(self.engine.connect()) version = context.get_current_revision() assert version is not None return version def get_head_version(self): # type: () -> str script = self._create_alembic_script() return script.get_current_head() def _get_base_version(self): # type: () -> str script = self._create_alembic_script() return script.get_base() def get_all_versions(self): # type: () -> List[str] script = self._create_alembic_script() return [r.revision for r in script.walk_revisions()] def upgrade(self): # type: () -> None config = self._create_alembic_config() alembic.command.upgrade(config, "head") def _is_alembic_supported(self): # type: () -> bool session = self.scoped_session() version_info = models.VersionInfoModel.find(session) # Terminate transaction explicitly to avoid connection timeout during transaction. RDBStorage._commit(session) if version_info is None: # `None` means this storage was created just now. return True return version_info.schema_version == models.SCHEMA_VERSION def _create_alembic_script(self): # type: () -> alembic.script.ScriptDirectory config = self._create_alembic_config() script = alembic.script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) return script def _create_alembic_config(self): # type: () -> alembic.config.Config alembic_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "alembic") config = alembic.config.Config(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "alembic.ini")) config.set_main_option("script_location", escape_alembic_config_value(alembic_dir)) config.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", escape_alembic_config_value(self.url)) return config def escape_alembic_config_value(value): # type: (str) -> str # We must escape '%' in a value string because the character # is regarded as the trigger of variable expansion. # Please see the documentation of `configparser.BasicInterpolation` for more details. return value.replace("%", "%%")