optuna.integration._lightgbm_tuner.optimize 源代码

import abc
import copy
import json
import os
import pickle
import time
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Generator
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
import warnings

import numpy as np
import tqdm

import optuna
from optuna._experimental import experimental
from optuna._imports import try_import
from optuna.integration._lightgbm_tuner.alias import _handling_alias_metrics
from optuna.integration._lightgbm_tuner.alias import _handling_alias_parameters
from optuna.study import Study
from optuna.trial import FrozenTrial
from optuna import type_checking

if type_checking.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from sklearn.model_selection import BaseCrossValidator  # NOQA

with try_import() as _imports:
    import lightgbm as lgb

    VALID_SET_TYPE = Union[List[lgb.Dataset], Tuple[lgb.Dataset, ...], lgb.Dataset]

# Define key names of `Trial.system_attrs`.
_ELAPSED_SECS_KEY = "lightgbm_tuner:elapsed_secs"
_AVERAGE_ITERATION_TIME_KEY = "lightgbm_tuner:average_iteration_time"
_STEP_NAME_KEY = "lightgbm_tuner:step_name"
_LGBM_PARAMS_KEY = "lightgbm_tuner:lgbm_params"

# EPS is used to ensure that a sampled parameter value is in pre-defined value range.
_EPS = 1e-12

# Default value of tree_depth, used for upper bound of num_leaves.

# Default parameter values described in the official webpage.
    "lambda_l1": 0.0,
    "lambda_l2": 0.0,
    "num_leaves": 31,
    "feature_fraction": 1.0,
    "bagging_fraction": 1.0,
    "bagging_freq": 0,
    "min_child_samples": 20,

_logger = optuna.logging.get_logger(__name__)

class _BaseTuner(object):
    def __init__(self, lgbm_params=None, lgbm_kwargs=None):
        # type: (Dict[str, Any], Dict[str,Any]) -> None

        # Handling alias metrics.
        if lgbm_params is not None:

        self.lgbm_params = lgbm_params or {}
        self.lgbm_kwargs = lgbm_kwargs or {}

    def _get_metric_for_objective(self) -> str:
        metric = self.lgbm_params.get("metric", "binary_logloss")

        # todo (smly): This implementation is different logic from the LightGBM's python bindings.
        if type(metric) is str:
        elif type(metric) is list:
            metric = metric[-1]
        elif type(metric) is set:
            metric = list(metric)[-1]
            raise NotImplementedError
        metric = self._metric_with_eval_at(metric)

        return metric

    def _get_booster_best_score(self, booster):
        # type: (lgb.Booster) -> float

        metric = self._get_metric_for_objective()
        valid_sets = self.lgbm_kwargs.get("valid_sets")  # type: Optional[VALID_SET_TYPE]

        if self.lgbm_kwargs.get("valid_names") is not None:
            if type(self.lgbm_kwargs["valid_names"]) is str:
                valid_name = self.lgbm_kwargs["valid_names"]
            elif type(self.lgbm_kwargs["valid_names"]) in [list, tuple]:
                valid_name = self.lgbm_kwargs["valid_names"][-1]
                raise NotImplementedError

        elif type(valid_sets) is lgb.Dataset:
            valid_name = "valid_0"

        elif isinstance(valid_sets, (list, tuple)) and len(valid_sets) > 0:
            valid_set_idx = len(valid_sets) - 1
            valid_name = "valid_{}".format(valid_set_idx)

            raise NotImplementedError

        val_score = booster.best_score[valid_name][metric]
        return val_score

    def _metric_with_eval_at(self, metric):
        # type: (str) -> str

        if metric != "ndcg" and metric != "map":
            return metric

        eval_at = self.lgbm_params.get("eval_at")
        if eval_at is None:
            eval_at = self.lgbm_params.get("{}_at".format(metric))
        if eval_at is None:
            eval_at = self.lgbm_params.get("{}_eval_at".format(metric))
        if eval_at is None:
            # Set default value of LightGBM.
            # See https://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Parameters.html#eval_at.
            eval_at = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

        # Optuna can handle only a single metric. Choose first one.
        if type(eval_at) in [list, tuple]:
            return "{}@{}".format(metric, eval_at[0])
        if type(eval_at) is int:
            return "{}@{}".format(metric, eval_at)
        raise ValueError(
            "The value of eval_at is expected to be int or a list/tuple of int."
            "'{}' is specified.".format(eval_at)

    def higher_is_better(self):
        # type: () -> bool

        metric_name = self.lgbm_params.get("metric", "binary_logloss")
        return metric_name.startswith(("auc", "ndcg", "map"))

    def compare_validation_metrics(self, val_score, best_score):
        # type: (float, float) -> bool

        if self.higher_is_better():
            return val_score > best_score
            return val_score < best_score

class _OptunaObjective(_BaseTuner):
    """Objective for hyperparameter-tuning with Optuna."""

    def __init__(
        target_param_names,  # type: List[str]
        lgbm_params,  # type: Dict[str, Any]
        train_set,  # type: lgb.Dataset
        lgbm_kwargs,  # type: Dict[str, Any]
        best_score,  # type: float
        step_name,  # type: str
        model_dir,  # type: Optional[str]
        pbar=None,  # type: Optional[tqdm.tqdm]

        self.target_param_names = target_param_names
        self.pbar = pbar
        self.lgbm_params = lgbm_params
        self.lgbm_kwargs = lgbm_kwargs
        self.train_set = train_set

        self.trial_count = 0
        self.best_score = best_score
        self.best_booster_with_trial_number = None  # type: Optional[Tuple[lgb.Booster, int]]
        self.step_name = step_name
        self.model_dir = model_dir

        self.pbar_fmt = "{}, val_score: {:.6f}"

    def _check_target_names_supported(self):
        # type: () -> None

        supported_param_names = [
        for target_param_name in self.target_param_names:
            if target_param_name not in supported_param_names:
                raise NotImplementedError("Parameter `{}` is not supported for tunning.")

    def _preprocess(self, trial: optuna.trial.Trial) -> None:
        if self.pbar is not None:
            self.pbar.set_description(self.pbar_fmt.format(self.step_name, self.best_score))

        if "lambda_l1" in self.target_param_names:
            self.lgbm_params["lambda_l1"] = trial.suggest_loguniform("lambda_l1", 1e-8, 10.0)
        if "lambda_l2" in self.target_param_names:
            self.lgbm_params["lambda_l2"] = trial.suggest_loguniform("lambda_l2", 1e-8, 10.0)
        if "num_leaves" in self.target_param_names:
            tree_depth = self.lgbm_params.get("max_depth", _DEFAULT_TUNER_TREE_DEPTH)
            max_num_leaves = 2 ** tree_depth if tree_depth > 0 else 2 ** _DEFAULT_TUNER_TREE_DEPTH
            self.lgbm_params["num_leaves"] = trial.suggest_int("num_leaves", 2, max_num_leaves)
        if "feature_fraction" in self.target_param_names:
            # `GridSampler` is used for sampling feature_fraction value.
            # The value 1.0 for the hyperparameter is always sampled.
            param_value = min(trial.suggest_uniform("feature_fraction", 0.4, 1.0 + _EPS), 1.0)
            self.lgbm_params["feature_fraction"] = param_value
        if "bagging_fraction" in self.target_param_names:
            # `TPESampler` is used for sampling bagging_fraction value.
            # The value 1.0 for the hyperparameter might by sampled.
            param_value = min(trial.suggest_uniform("bagging_fraction", 0.4, 1.0 + _EPS), 1.0)
            self.lgbm_params["bagging_fraction"] = param_value
        if "bagging_freq" in self.target_param_names:
            self.lgbm_params["bagging_freq"] = trial.suggest_int("bagging_freq", 1, 7)
        if "min_child_samples" in self.target_param_names:
            # `GridSampler` is used for sampling min_child_samples value.
            # The value 1.0 for the hyperparameter is always sampled.
            param_value = int(trial.suggest_uniform("min_child_samples", 5, 100 + _EPS))
            self.lgbm_params["min_child_samples"] = param_value

    def __call__(self, trial: optuna.trial.Trial) -> float:


        start_time = time.time()
        booster = lgb.train(self.lgbm_params, self.train_set, **self.lgbm_kwargs)

        val_score = self._get_booster_best_score(booster)
        elapsed_secs = time.time() - start_time
        average_iteration_time = elapsed_secs / booster.current_iteration()

        if self.model_dir is not None:
            path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, "{}.pkl".format(trial.number))
            with open(path, "wb") as fout:
                pickle.dump(booster, fout)
            _logger.info("The booster of trial#{} was saved as {}.".format(trial.number, path))

        if self.compare_validation_metrics(val_score, self.best_score):
            self.best_score = val_score
            self.best_booster_with_trial_number = (booster, trial.number)

        self._postprocess(trial, elapsed_secs, average_iteration_time)

        return val_score

    def _postprocess(
        self, trial: optuna.trial.Trial, elapsed_secs: float, average_iteration_time: float,
    ) -> None:
        if self.pbar is not None:
            self.pbar.set_description(self.pbar_fmt.format(self.step_name, self.best_score))

        trial.set_system_attr(_ELAPSED_SECS_KEY, elapsed_secs)
        trial.set_system_attr(_AVERAGE_ITERATION_TIME_KEY, average_iteration_time)
        trial.set_system_attr(_STEP_NAME_KEY, self.step_name)
        trial.set_system_attr(_LGBM_PARAMS_KEY, json.dumps(self.lgbm_params))

        self.trial_count += 1

class _OptunaObjectiveCV(_OptunaObjective):
    def __init__(
        target_param_names: List[str],
        lgbm_params: Dict[str, Any],
        train_set: "lgb.Dataset",
        lgbm_kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
        best_score: float,
        step_name: str,
        pbar: Optional[tqdm.tqdm] = None,

        super(_OptunaObjectiveCV, self).__init__(

    def _get_cv_scores(self, cv_results: Dict[str, List[float]]) -> List[float]:

        metric = self._get_metric_for_objective()
        val_scores = cv_results["{}-mean".format(metric)]
        return val_scores

    def __call__(self, trial: optuna.trial.Trial) -> float:


        start_time = time.time()
        cv_results = lgb.cv(self.lgbm_params, self.train_set, **self.lgbm_kwargs)

        val_scores = self._get_cv_scores(cv_results)
        val_score = val_scores[-1]
        elapsed_secs = time.time() - start_time
        average_iteration_time = elapsed_secs / len(val_scores)

        if self.compare_validation_metrics(val_score, self.best_score):
            self.best_score = val_score

        self._postprocess(trial, elapsed_secs, average_iteration_time)

        return val_score

class _LightGBMBaseTuner(_BaseTuner):
    """Base class of LightGBM Tuners.

    This class has common attributes and method of
    :class:`~optuna.integration.lightgbm.LightGBMTuner` and

    def __init__(
        params: Dict[str, Any],
        train_set: "lgb.Dataset",
        num_boost_round: int = 1000,
        fobj: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None,
        feval: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None,
        feature_name: str = "auto",
        categorical_feature: str = "auto",
        early_stopping_rounds: Optional[int] = None,
        verbose_eval: Optional[Union[bool, int]] = True,
        callbacks: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None,
        time_budget: Optional[int] = None,
        sample_size: Optional[int] = None,
        study: Optional[optuna.study.Study] = None,
        optuna_callbacks: Optional[List[Callable[[Study, FrozenTrial], None]]] = None,
        verbosity: Optional[int] = 1,
    ) -> None:


        params = copy.deepcopy(params)

        # Handling alias metrics.

        args = [params, train_set]
        kwargs = dict(
        )  # type: Dict[str, Any]
        self._parse_args(*args, **kwargs)
        self._start_time = None  # type: Optional[float]
        self._optuna_callbacks = optuna_callbacks
        self._best_params = {}

        # Set default parameters as best.

        if study is None:
            self.study = optuna.create_study(
                direction="maximize" if self.higher_is_better() else "minimize"
            self.study = study

        if self.higher_is_better():
            if self.study.direction != optuna.study.StudyDirection.MAXIMIZE:
                metric_name = self.lgbm_params.get("metric", "binary_logloss")
                raise ValueError(
                    "Study direction is inconsistent with the metric {}. "
                    "Please set 'maximize' as the direction.".format(metric_name)
            if self.study.direction != optuna.study.StudyDirection.MINIMIZE:
                metric_name = self.lgbm_params.get("metric", "binary_logloss")
                raise ValueError(
                    "Study direction is inconsistent with the metric {}. "
                    "Please set 'minimize' as the direction.".format(metric_name)

    def best_score(self) -> float:
        """Return the score of the best booster."""
            return self.study.best_value
        except ValueError:
            # Return the default score because no trials have completed.
            return -np.inf if self.higher_is_better() else np.inf

    def best_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Return parameters of the best booster."""
            return json.loads(self.study.best_trial.system_attrs[_LGBM_PARAMS_KEY])
        except ValueError:
            # Return the default score because no trials have completed.
            params = copy.deepcopy(_DEFAULT_LIGHTGBM_PARAMETERS)
            # self.lgbm_params may contain parameters given by users.
            return params

    def _parse_args(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:

        self.auto_options = {
            option_name: kwargs.get(option_name)
            for option_name in ["time_budget", "sample_size", "verbosity"]

        # Split options.
        for option_name in self.auto_options.keys():
            if option_name in kwargs:
                del kwargs[option_name]

        self.lgbm_params = args[0]
        self.train_set = args[1]
        self.train_subset = None  # Use for sampling.
        self.lgbm_kwargs = kwargs

    def run(self) -> None:
        """Perform the hyperparameter-tuning with given parameters."""
        # Suppress log messages.
        if self.auto_options["verbosity"] == 0:
            self.lgbm_params["verbose"] = -1
            self.lgbm_params["seed"] = 111
            self.lgbm_kwargs["verbose_eval"] = False

        # Handling aliases.

        # Sampling.


    def sample_train_set(self) -> None:
        """Make subset of `self.train_set` Dataset object."""

        if self.auto_options["sample_size"] is None:

        n_train_instance = self.train_set.get_label().shape[0]
        if n_train_instance > self.auto_options["sample_size"]:
            offset = n_train_instance - self.auto_options["sample_size"]
            idx_list = offset + np.arange(self.auto_options["sample_size"])
            self.train_subset = self.train_set.subset(idx_list)

    def tune_feature_fraction(self, n_trials: int = 7) -> None:
        param_name = "feature_fraction"
        param_values = np.linspace(0.4, 1.0, n_trials).tolist()

        # TODO(toshihikoyanase): Remove catch_warnings after GridSampler becomes non-experimental.
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=optuna.exceptions.ExperimentalWarning)
            sampler = optuna.samplers.GridSampler({param_name: param_values})
        self._tune_params([param_name], len(param_values), sampler, "feature_fraction")

    def tune_num_leaves(self, n_trials: int = 20) -> None:
        self._tune_params(["num_leaves"], n_trials, optuna.samplers.TPESampler(), "num_leaves")

    def tune_bagging(self, n_trials: int = 10) -> None:
            ["bagging_fraction", "bagging_freq"], n_trials, optuna.samplers.TPESampler(), "bagging"

    def tune_feature_fraction_stage2(self, n_trials: int = 6) -> None:
        param_name = "feature_fraction"
        best_feature_fraction = self.best_params[param_name]
        param_values = np.linspace(
            best_feature_fraction - 0.08, best_feature_fraction + 0.08, n_trials
        param_values = [val for val in param_values if val >= 0.4 and val <= 1.0]

        # TODO(toshihikoyanase): Remove catch_warnings after GridSampler becomes non-experimental.
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=optuna.exceptions.ExperimentalWarning)
            sampler = optuna.samplers.GridSampler({param_name: param_values})
        self._tune_params([param_name], len(param_values), sampler, "feature_fraction_stage2")

    def tune_regularization_factors(self, n_trials: int = 20) -> None:
            ["lambda_l1", "lambda_l2"],

    def tune_min_data_in_leaf(self) -> None:
        param_name = "min_child_samples"
        param_values = [5, 10, 25, 50, 100]

        # TODO(toshihikoyanase): Remove catch_warnings after GridSampler becomes non-experimental.
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=optuna.exceptions.ExperimentalWarning)
            sampler = optuna.samplers.GridSampler({param_name: param_values})
        self._tune_params([param_name], len(param_values), sampler, "min_data_in_leaf")

    def _tune_params(
        target_param_names: List[str],
        n_trials: int,
        sampler: optuna.samplers.BaseSampler,
        step_name: str,
    ) -> _OptunaObjective:
        pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=n_trials, ascii=True)

        # Set current best parameters.

        train_set = self.train_set
        if self.train_subset is not None:
            train_set = self.train_subset

        objective = self._create_objective(target_param_names, train_set, step_name, pbar)

        study = self._create_stepwise_study(self.study, step_name)
        study.sampler = sampler

        complete_trials = [
            for t in study.trials
            if t.state in (optuna.trial.TrialState.COMPLETE, optuna.trial.TrialState.PRUNED)
        _n_trials = n_trials - len(complete_trials)

        if self._start_time is None:
            self._start_time = time.time()

        if self.auto_options["time_budget"] is not None:
            _timeout = self.auto_options["time_budget"] - (time.time() - self._start_time)
            _timeout = None
        if _n_trials > 0:
            except ValueError:
                # ValueError is raised by GridSampler when all combinations were examined.
                # TODO(toshihikoyanase): Remove this try-except after Study.stop is implemented.

        del pbar

        return objective

    def _create_objective(
        target_param_names: List[str],
        train_set: "lgb.Dataset",
        step_name: str,
        pbar: tqdm.tqdm,
    ) -> _OptunaObjective:

        raise NotImplementedError

    def _create_stepwise_study(
        self, study: "optuna.study.Study", step_name: str
    ) -> "optuna.study.Study":

        # This class is assumed to be passed to a sampler and a pruner corresponding to the step.
        class _StepwiseStudy(optuna.study.Study):
            def __init__(self, study: optuna.study.Study, step_name: str) -> None:

                self._step_name = step_name

            def get_trials(self, deepcopy: bool = True) -> List[optuna.trial.FrozenTrial]:

                trials = super().get_trials(deepcopy=deepcopy)
                return [t for t in trials if t.system_attrs.get(_STEP_NAME_KEY) == self._step_name]

            def best_trial(self) -> optuna.trial.FrozenTrial:
                """Return the best trial in the study.

                    A :class:`~optuna.trial.FrozenTrial` object of the best trial.

                trials = self.get_trials(deepcopy=False)
                trials = [t for t in trials if t.state is optuna.trial.TrialState.COMPLETE]

                if len(trials) == 0:
                    raise ValueError("No trials are completed yet.")

                if self.direction == optuna.study.StudyDirection.MINIMIZE:
                    best_trial = min(trials, key=lambda t: t.value)
                    best_trial = max(trials, key=lambda t: t.value)
                return copy.deepcopy(best_trial)

        return _StepwiseStudy(study, step_name)

[文档]@experimental("1.5.0") class LightGBMTuner(_LightGBMBaseTuner): """Hyperparameter tuner for LightGBM. It optimizes the following hyperparameters in a stepwise manner: ``lambda_l1``, ``lambda_l2``, ``num_leaves``, ``feature_fraction``, ``bagging_fraction``, ``bagging_freq`` and ``min_child_samples``. You can find the details of the algorithm and benchmark results in `this blog article <https:/ /medium.com/optuna/lightgbm-tuner-new-optuna-integration-for-hyperparameter-optimization-8b709 5e99258>`_ by `Kohei Ozaki <https://www.kaggle.com/confirm>`_, a Kaggle Grandmaster. Arguments and keyword arguments for `lightgbm.train() <https://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pythonapi/lightgbm.train.html>`_ can be passed. The arguments that only :class:`~optuna.integration.lightgbm.LightGBMTuner` has are listed below: Args: time_budget: A time budget for parameter tuning in seconds. study: A :class:`~optuna.study.Study` instance to store optimization results. The :class:`~optuna.trial.Trial` instances in it has the following user attributes: ``elapsed_secs`` is the elapsed time since the optimization starts. ``average_iteration_time`` is the average time of iteration to train the booster model in the trial. ``lgbm_params`` is a JSON-serialized dictionary of LightGBM parameters used in the trial. optuna_callbacks: List of Optuna callback functions that are invoked at the end of each trial. Each function must accept two parameters with the following types in this order: :class:`~optuna.study.Study` and :class:`~optuna.FrozenTrial`. Please note that this is not a ``callbacks`` argument of `lightgbm.train()`_ . model_dir: A directory to save boosters. By default, it is set to :obj:`None` and no boosters are saved. Please set shared directory (e.g., directories on NFS) if you want to access :meth:`~optuna.integration.LightGBMTuner.get_best_booster` in distributed environments. Otherwise, it may raise :obj:`ValueError`. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. The filenames of the boosters will be ``{model_dir}/{trial_number}.pkl`` (e.g., ``./boosters/0.pkl``). .. _lightgbm.train(): https://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pythonapi/lightgbm.train.html """ def __init__( self, params: Dict[str, Any], train_set: "lgb.Dataset", num_boost_round: int = 1000, valid_sets: Optional["VALID_SET_TYPE"] = None, valid_names: Optional[Any] = None, fobj: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, feval: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, feature_name: str = "auto", categorical_feature: str = "auto", early_stopping_rounds: Optional[int] = None, evals_result: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None, verbose_eval: Optional[Union[bool, int]] = True, learning_rates: Optional[List[float]] = None, keep_training_booster: Optional[bool] = False, callbacks: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None, time_budget: Optional[int] = None, sample_size: Optional[int] = None, study: Optional[optuna.study.Study] = None, optuna_callbacks: Optional[List[Callable[[Study, FrozenTrial], None]]] = None, model_dir: Optional[str] = None, verbosity: Optional[int] = 1, ) -> None: super(LightGBMTuner, self).__init__( params, train_set, num_boost_round=num_boost_round, fobj=fobj, feval=feval, feature_name=feature_name, categorical_feature=categorical_feature, early_stopping_rounds=early_stopping_rounds, verbose_eval=verbose_eval, callbacks=callbacks, time_budget=time_budget, sample_size=sample_size, study=study, optuna_callbacks=optuna_callbacks, verbosity=verbosity, ) self.lgbm_kwargs["valid_sets"] = valid_sets self.lgbm_kwargs["valid_names"] = valid_names self.lgbm_kwargs["evals_result"] = evals_result self.lgbm_kwargs["learning_rates"] = learning_rates self.lgbm_kwargs["keep_training_booster"] = keep_training_booster self._best_booster_with_trial_number = None # type: Optional[Tuple[lgb.Booster, int]] self._model_dir = model_dir if self._model_dir is not None and not os.path.exists(self._model_dir): os.mkdir(self._model_dir) if valid_sets is None: raise ValueError("`valid_sets` is required.") @property def best_booster(self) -> "lgb.Booster": """Return the best booster. .. deprecated:: 1.4.0 Please get the best booster via :class:`~optuna.integration.lightgbm.LightGBMTuner.get_best_booster` instead. """ warnings.warn( "The `best_booster` attribute is deprecated. Please use `get_best_booster` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.get_best_booster()
[文档] def get_best_booster(self) -> "lgb.Booster": """Return the best booster. If the best booster cannot be found, :class:`ValueError` will be raised. To prevent the errors, please save boosters by specifying the ``model_dir`` arguments of :meth:`~optuna.integration.lightgbm.LightGBMTuner.__init__` when you resume tuning or you run tuning in parallel. """ if self._best_booster_with_trial_number is not None: if self._best_booster_with_trial_number[1] == self.study.best_trial.number: return self._best_booster_with_trial_number[0] if len(self.study.trials) == 0: raise ValueError("The best booster is not available because no trials completed.") # The best booster exists, but this instance does not have it. # This may be due to resuming or parallelization. if self._model_dir is None: raise ValueError( "The best booster cannot be found. It may be found in the other processes due to " "resuming or distributed computing. Please set the `model_dir` argument of " "`LightGBMTuner.__init__` and make sure that boosters are shared with all " "processes." ) best_trial = self.study.best_trial path = os.path.join(self._model_dir, "{}.pkl".format(best_trial.number)) if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError( "The best booster cannot be found in {}. If you execute `LightGBMTuner` in " "distributed environment, please use network file system (e.g., NFS) to share " "models with multiple workers.".format(self._model_dir) ) with open(path, "rb") as fin: booster = pickle.load(fin) return booster
def _tune_params(self, target_param_names, n_trials, sampler, step_name): # type: (List[str], int, optuna.samplers.BaseSampler, str) -> _OptunaObjective objective = super(LightGBMTuner, self)._tune_params( target_param_names, n_trials, sampler, step_name ) if objective.best_booster_with_trial_number is not None: self._best_booster_with_trial_number = objective.best_booster_with_trial_number self._best_params.update(self.best_params) return objective def _create_objective( self, target_param_names: List[str], train_set: "lgb.Dataset", step_name: str, pbar: tqdm.tqdm, ) -> _OptunaObjective: return _OptunaObjective( target_param_names, self.lgbm_params, train_set, self.lgbm_kwargs, self.best_score, step_name=step_name, model_dir=self._model_dir, pbar=pbar, )
[文档]@experimental("1.5.0") class LightGBMTunerCV(_LightGBMBaseTuner): """Hyperparameter tuner for LightGBM with cross-validation. It employs the same stepwise approach as :class:`~optuna.integration.lightgbm.LightGBMTuner`. :class:`~optuna.integration.lightgbm.LightGBMTunerCV` invokes `lightgbm.cv()`_ to train and validate boosters while :class:`~optuna.integration.lightgbm.LightGBMTuner` invokes `lightgbm.train()`_. See `a simple example <https://github.com/optuna/optuna/blob/master/examples/lightgbm_tuner_cv. py>`_ which optimizes the validation log loss of cancer detection. Arguments and keyword arguments for `lightgbm.cv()`_ can be passed except ``metrics``, ``init_model`` and ``eval_train_metric``. The arguments that only :class:`~optuna.integration.lightgbm.LightGBMTunerCV` has are listed below: Args: time_budget: A time budget for parameter tuning in seconds. study: A :class:`~optuna.study.Study` instance to store optimization results. The :class:`~optuna.trial.Trial` instances in it has the following user attributes: ``elapsed_secs`` is the elapsed time since the optimization starts. ``average_iteration_time`` is the average time of iteration to train the booster model in the trial. ``lgbm_params`` is a JSON-serialized dictionary of LightGBM parameters used in the trial. optuna_callbacks: List of Optuna callback functions that are invoked at the end of each trial. Each function must accept two parameters with the following types in this order: :class:`~optuna.study.Study` and :class:`~optuna.FrozenTrial`. Please note that this is not a ``callbacks`` argument of `lightgbm.train()`_ . .. _lightgbm.train(): https://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pythonapi/lightgbm.train.html .. _lightgbm.cv(): https://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pythonapi/lightgbm.cv.html """ def __init__( self, params: Dict[str, Any], train_set: "lgb.Dataset", num_boost_round: int = 1000, folds: Optional[ Union[ Generator[Tuple[int, int], None, None], Iterator[Tuple[int, int]], "BaseCrossValidator", ] ] = None, nfold: int = 5, stratified: bool = True, shuffle: bool = True, fobj: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, feval: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, feature_name: str = "auto", categorical_feature: str = "auto", early_stopping_rounds: Optional[int] = None, fpreproc: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, verbose_eval: Optional[Union[bool, int]] = True, show_stdv: bool = True, seed: int = 0, callbacks: Optional[List[Callable[..., Any]]] = None, time_budget: Optional[int] = None, sample_size: Optional[int] = None, study: Optional[optuna.study.Study] = None, optuna_callbacks: Optional[List[Callable[[Study, FrozenTrial], None]]] = None, verbosity: int = 1, ) -> None: super(LightGBMTunerCV, self).__init__( params, train_set, num_boost_round, fobj=fobj, feval=feval, feature_name=feature_name, categorical_feature=categorical_feature, early_stopping_rounds=early_stopping_rounds, verbose_eval=verbose_eval, callbacks=callbacks, time_budget=time_budget, sample_size=sample_size, study=study, optuna_callbacks=optuna_callbacks, verbosity=verbosity, ) self.lgbm_kwargs["folds"] = folds self.lgbm_kwargs["nfold"] = nfold self.lgbm_kwargs["stratified"] = stratified self.lgbm_kwargs["shuffle"] = shuffle self.lgbm_kwargs["show_stdv"] = show_stdv self.lgbm_kwargs["seed"] = seed self.lgbm_kwargs["fpreproc"] = fpreproc def _create_objective( self, target_param_names: List[str], train_set: "lgb.Dataset", step_name: str, pbar: tqdm.tqdm, ) -> _OptunaObjective: return _OptunaObjectiveCV( target_param_names, self.lgbm_params, train_set, self.lgbm_kwargs, self.best_score, step_name=step_name, pbar=pbar, )